
Above is Hazel James’s satellite track with our current location. Please note that satellites are not foolproof and I generally shut down the tracker when I’m in port for more than a few days. Bottom line, don’t freak out if Hazel James appears to “disappear.”

More detailed instructions to navigate the embedded tracker are in the bullet point list in this post.

Also, if you are looking for a downloadable copy of the book Heeling is Healing, please visit this post.

Below is the original text from my December 2019 hjsailing blog launch. As I was refreshing this homepage in April 2022 with the above embedded satellite tracker, I also contemplated refreshing the language below—as so much has happened and so many miles have been put astern. However, as I reread what I had written, I changed my mind and decided to leave well enough alone. Although much has changed, the essence has not; it’s still a beautiful but unfinished story, and—as I said on the original home page—it’s not a small world and time doesn’t fly. Anyone who disputes my claim is welcome to join me (virtually) as I attempt to sail 3,700 nautical miles across the Atlantic over 45-60 days…

Your guess is as good as mine as to how this story ends. When I was 50, my sister Amy died at 54 of cancer. When I was 54, my wife Colleen died at 50 from complications of bipolar disorder. I’m now 55 and preparing for a sailing voyage to the Caribbean. While I’ve done a lot of small-boat inland lake sailing and coastal ocean sailing, seeing the fragility of life first with Amy and then with Colleen has given me the desire to go further. I may love this initial cruise, and on my return already be planning my next voyage. I may come back in several months and be glad I did it but want to do other things. Who knows, it’s a beautiful story whose ending has not yet been written. I have a lot of family, friends and colleagues who wanted to stay in touch and hear the tale as it unfolds so I’ve created this site to do so.

Fair winds and following seas.

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PS: If you’re having any problems navigating the embedded tracker above, click here to go to the source website.